The importance of communication class: After watching the speech, analyze and critique what you have observed in the form of a paper which addresses the questions listed below.

The importance of communication class

After watching the speech, analyze and critique what you have observed in the form of a paper which addresses the questions listed below.

Use paragraph and essay format  for this assignment. Please also use double spacing and 10 or 12 point font, Times New Roman or Courier New font formatting. While there is no specific page requirement, if you address all of the below questions thoroughly, your paper will likely be at least 2-3 pages in length.

Papers will be graded based on quality and thoroughness of analysis and recommendations and also on writing style and clarity. Please submit your paper to the Peer Critique dropbox by the due date.

The Speaking Context

1) Who is the speaker?
2) What is their topic for the speech?

The Introduction

1) What, if anything, does the speaker do to get the audience’s attention? How well does this work?
2) Does the speaker establish their credibility to speak on the topic? If not, is the audience already familiar with the speaker’s credentials?
3) Does the speaker preview their speech?
4) How does the speaker transition from the introduction of the speech to the body of the speech, if at all?

The Speech Body

1) What is general purpose of the speech (to entertain, to inform, or to persuade)?
2) How is the material in the speech organized? Is the speech easy to follow for the audience?
3) Does the speaker cite sources for their information?
4) If the speech is persuasive, what is the speaker’s goal?
5) Is the material in the speech interesting to you? What language styles and devices does the speaker attempt to use to keep your attention?
6) What has the speaker done in their preparation to adapt the speech to the audience?
7) If the speech is persuasive, what types of logical proof does the speaker attempt to use in the speech?

The Conclusion

1) How does the speaker finish the speech? Is this an effective conclusion?
2) Does the speaker summarize the speech?
3) If it is a persuasive speech, does the speaker have a call-to-action for the audience?
4) Does the speaker offer the audience an opportunity for questions?

Visual Aids

1) Does the speaker use visual or presentational aids? For what purpose? What do these visual aids add to the speech, if anything?


1) What style of delivery does the speaker use (manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, impromptu)?

Criticism/Praise for the Speaker

1) How effective was this speech?
2) What are the strengths and weaknesses of the speaker?
3) What suggestions for improvement would you give the speaker?
4) What were some of the positive qualities that were evident in this speech that you can incorporate into your own speeches?

– Stevens, Betsy. “Teaching Communication with Ethics-Based Cases.” Business Communication Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 3, Sept. 1996, pp. 5–15. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1177/108056999605900302.