Beyond Homo Economicus: How would you sum up the idea of “homo sociologicus” that Anderson presents?

 Elizabeth Anderson, ‘Beyond Homo Economicus

1. Anderson begins by defining social norms. Looking at her definition, list at least three examples of such norms that are familiar from everyday life.

2. She gives three explanations for why people might follow norms. Which would be most plausible for each of your examples?

3. What are the attractions and problems of homo economicus, according to section I?

4. Sections II-IV discuss three ways rational choice theorists have explained social norms.
What are these, and what are the main difficulties they face?
5. How might someone’s sense of group belonging lead h/er to act on norms? (section VI)

6. What are the two views of “reason” that Anderson contrasts in section VI?

7. How would you sum up the idea of “homo sociologicus” that Anderson presents?
8. “Friedman’s advice confuses heuristics with science” (200). What is Anderson’s point
here? Do you agree?