Select a work of art from your book (a painting or a sculpture): it can be from any chapter we have covered this far (Chapters 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25)
will provide art from book giotto di bondone
Madonna Enthroned (Ognissanti Madonna)
, from the Chiesa di Ognissanti (All Saints’ Church), Florence, ca. 1310. Tempera and gold leaf on wood,
. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.
You must research your work of art. Using databases from the library (such as JSTOR) you must find and use at least three scholarly sources, and properly cite them (MLA or APA). Write in your own words; if you copy and paste you will receive no credit.
very important don’t copy and past cites
Review the topic terms in your glossary; you will want to be using these.
Each topic becomes a short paragraph separated by a line space. Make sure you do the topics in the order below.
Indicate title, culture, period/movement, artist and date at the top of your submission
Provide an image of the work you are discussing
1. Subject Matter: describe what is depicted. (10 sentences, 20%)
2. Context: write about the general period when your work was made. (10 sentences, 20%)
3. Meaning: what is the meaning/purpose/function of the work? (10 sentences, 20%)
4. Style: describe the identifying appearance of your work. Use appropriate style terms from your glossary. Describe the general period style. (5 sentences, 10%)
5. Medium: indicate medium. Then relate the order of steps to make the work. (5 sentences, 10%)
6. Formal Analysis: use 10 different formal terms (such as line, shape, scale, etc.) from your glossary to describe the work. BOLD each term (10 sentences, 10%)
7. Following directions, proper grammar, syntax and organization (10%)
5 Pages Minimum of text (normal font, normal font size)