Critically evaluate the role of Human Resources in evaluating organizational performance in an organization.

Human Resource Management Role within an Organization

  • Critically analyze the impact of investment in human capital on organizational performance.
  • Critically examine approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of the HR function.
  • Critically evaluate the role of Human Resources in evaluating organizational performance in an organization.

Include the following:

  • Performance relationship: theoretical frameworks such as HRM practice leads to HR outcomes leads to organizational performance what leads to what i.e ‘black box’ studies; Gallup studies; strength based performance management; definition of human capital ie. economic value of employee skills etc. decision making, education, training, health; and HR metrics.
  • Rating scales, critical incidents, job satisfaction, objective production, judgemental evaluation, peer and self-assessment and negotiated performance appraisal.
  • Evaluation of HR functions, i.e. Future investment, improvement, workforce planning and intellectual capital, accountability, motivation and productivity etc. Evaluation models. Kirkpatrick, return on investments models, “Balanced Scorecard” and others.