The Political Gap Between France and Egypt: Provide a brief political history of each state. No more than two pages for each state. Specify the political-economic system and regime type of each state.

The Political Gap Between France and Egypt

  1. Provide a brief political history of each state. No more than two pages for each state.
    Specify the political-economic system and regime type of each state.
  2. Explain whether the country is a developed democracy, communist, post-communist, or developing state. This should be at least one complete paragraph with substantiated evidence.
  3. Describe the importance of ethnic makeup, culture, ideology, religion, and national identity for each of your states.
  4. Clarify the role, if any, that individual and group participation play in policy formation.
  5. Explain how public policy crafted and “who gets what, when, [and] how” (Lasswell, 1936).
  6. Describe the capacity and autonomy of the state and how it impacts the citizens of each state and relations with other states.
  7. Include other relevant topics or concepts presented in this course as appropriate.
    -Only scholarly sources