Describe how white light is a mixture of individual colors  and how wavelength relates to the color of light, spectral power distribution (SPD) and how it was measured, and the meaning of color temperature including its application in the lighting industry and photography.

Colors of White Light 

•Describe how white light is a mixture of individual colors  and how wavelength relates to the color of light, spectral power distribution (SPD) and how it was measured, and the meaning of color temperature including its application in the lighting industry and photography.

•Using the data collected, including the SPD graphs, describe any trends shown by the data, and especially how color temperature and SPD are related. Look at where the peak wavelengths are on the SPDs and compare them to the color temperature for that light source.

•Briefly summarize the major findings and conclusions and provide recommendations for future studies.

  • List references (two or three is sufficient) in standard format (MLA or APA).