Marketing: list the key factors of the global marketing environment and briefly explain what each covers.


An Introduction (14th Edition) Gary Armstrong (13e Edition) Chapter 15 The Global Marketplace

Read the chapter and answer the following questions [to facilitate references later on for the purpose of test-taking, make sure you bold or underline key concepts, use bullet points, and note down the page numbers on the textbook for each concept]:

1 Read Chapter 15 of the textbook and answer the following questions:


a. List the key factors of the global marketing environment and briefly explain what each covers.

b. List the three modes of entry into a foreign market and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.

c. Define standardized and adapted global marketing.

d. List the global product strategies and provide an example for each.

e. List the components of global delivery network.

f. List the two global promotion/communication strategies and briefly explain each.