Marketing : using the company that you selected above, prepare a report using the following numbered headings and answer the questions associated with each heading.


Select one company from the list below:

  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Google
  • Loblaws (Includes any of the divisions and banners within Loblaws Companies)
  • Lululemon
  • Netflix
  • Starbucks
  • Tesla
  • Uber

Note: If you want to use a company that is not included in this list, please discuss it with your instructor prior to beginning this assignment.


•Using the company that you selected above, prepare a report using the following numbered headings and answer the questions associated with each heading.

•Apply the various marketing concepts and terminologies discussed in this course within your answers. You must use at least 3 credible sources within your report.

Value Proposition

  • Create your own Value Proposition statement for the company you selected using a maximum of 2 sentences. (4 marks)

Marketing Management Orientations

  • Which of the 5 “Marketing Management Orientations” is best exemplified by the company you selected?
  • Which orientation will best serve its targeted customers? Identify at least 3 points and provide an example for each point that you identify. (6 marks)

Customer Loyalty and Retention Tactics

  • List and explain 3 different tactics employed by the company you selected to foster customer loyalty. Support your answer with a different example for each of the 3 tactics. (6 marks)

Market Segmentation (Consumer Markets) and the 4Ps of Marketing

  • For your selected company, describe its target customer(s) using the demographic segmentation strategy and identify 4 different demographic segmentation variables. (4 marks)
  • For each demographic segmentation variable identified, provide 1 example that connects with any of the 4Ps of Marketing.
    (4 marks)

Macroenvironmental Forces

  • Do you believe that the company you selected would be successful in China? Why or Why not? (2 marks)
  • Name and discuss 3 different macroenvironmental forces to support your answer. Research and incorporate external references to validate your answers for each of the 3 selected macroenvironmental forces.(6 marks)

Winning Value Propositions

  • Refer to Module 2, which summarizes possible Value Propositions. Which one of the 5 “Winning Value Propositions” best fits the company you selected? Why? Support your answer with examples applied by the company you selected. (4 marks)


  • Length and space: 4.5-5 pages max, single spaced
  • The cover page and references/works cited page are not included in the total number of required pages.
  • Margins: 1” all around
  • Font type: Arial or Calibri
  • Font size: 12 points
  • Page numbers: include page numbers on each page
  • Citation guide: APA or MLA Style