How is self-concept different from self-esteem? What shapes your personal self-concept?do you think you have a healthy or correct view of who you are?

Who am I? This is a question that challenges us throughout our lifetimes. Sometimes we may have an ‘ideal self’ that we think we are or want to be, but there are disconnects between that goal and our ‘real self.’ Please watch this TED Talk about self-esteem being a skill, and reflect on the following questions:


  • How is self-concept different from self-esteem? What shapes your personal self-concept? Do you think you have a healthy or correct view of who you are?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the TED speaker who suggests that self-esteem is a skill that you can develop?
  • What are some ways that you can increase your personal self-esteem?
    There are many benefits and risks of self-disclosure.
  • What are some personal benefits or risks that you have experienced regarding self-disclosure? How do you manage levels of self-disclosure in face to face communication? Computer-mediated communication?
  • Are there differences in disclosure levels depending on the medium that you are using to communicate?