Advocacy and Leadership : relate the issue directly to social work practice. In what ways does this issue affect the lives of clients and communities.

Advocacy and Leadership 

1. Identify a social justice issue that is encountered by social work professionals and/or the clients served by social work professionals. Examine the role of oppression (through exploitation,marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and/or violence) and the identified issue/problem.

2. Provide basic background/context information about tnis Ssue-1e. course, onset, severity, changes, population(s)impacted, etc. Utilize data to make a case for this as an important social problem/justice issue of our time.

3. Relate the issue directly to social work practice. In what ways does this issue affect the lives of clients and communities.

4.Think about the micro to macro continuum here and addressthe issue at both levels. Be specific. What is the social work profession’s role in positively affecting change? What has been done/what evidence do you see of social work’scommitment to social justice in this area? Is there ongoingadvocacy in this area? Discuss.

5. Design a needed advocacy effort that could help affect change related to the injustice/social problem you have discussed. Your advocacy effort should be targeting root cause- dig deep and think about how to truly create $ystemic change. What type of advocacy is this? Case advocacy? Cause advocacy? Explain.

 (6-8 pages do not include the required title page and References page.)