With consideration for windshield, health profile, and demographic assessment findings, summarize census tract strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a table, narrative, or both, and propose two community diagnoses.

Census tract paper

Priority Community Problem Statements and Comprehensive SWOT Summary

With consideration for windshield, health profile, and demographic assessment findings, summarize census tract strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a table, narrative, or both, and propose two community diagnoses.

  • APA format: 1-2 pages; paragraphs double-spaced
  • Level 1 APA heading for SWOT information/table. Summarize census tract strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in a table.
  • Level 1 APA heading for the community diagnosis section of the community paper; level 2 APA headings for Diagnosis 1 and Diagnosis 2.