Health care ethical issue: choose an ethical issue in health care and/or nursing. state why this issue is of importance to society.

Health care ethical issue 

•Choose an ethical issue in health care and/or nursing. State why this issue is of importance to society.

•Clearly state your evidence-based position as a nurse on this issue. Identify the values (personal, professional, and/or institutional) underpinning your position.

•Clearly state at least one other position (or “side”) to this issue. This position also needs to be grounded in the evidence. Speculate as to the values (personal, professional, and/or institutional) underpinning this opposing position.

•Include a discussion describing the use of an ethical framework, model, theory, or the ethical principles to support your position on this issue.

•Conclude with a brief summary as to why you believe your position is the best position on this issue.

Paper should be eight to ten pages in length, excluding the title page and references list.