How will knowing how toddlers communicate help the reader in their work with toddlers?

The importance of play in early literacy and language acquisition

Welcome to the final assignment for the FAM1250 course. For this assignment, you will write a research essay related to a topic that emerged from your observations in Assignment 3(A) or choose a topic of interest that relates to emergent literacy and language if you complete Assignment 3(B).

If you feel like the child you observed would benefit from more at-home support, your research question will focus on how at-home supports can aide in the development of literacy and language skills. If the child you observed would benefit from more play-based literacy activities, your research question or statement can focus on the important role of play in literacy.

• How will knowing how toddlers communicate help the reader in their work with toddlers?

• How can one teacher learn from another who consistently sets up a quality literacy environment for children?

• Why should a teacher know how agencies promote literacy development in the home?

Your essay about your thesis statement or question you created will be 3-4 pages.
Include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your essay will reference your observation notes and also additional research about the topic.