Objective Setting and Appraisal Administrative assistant: demonstratehe purpose of performance management, performance appraisal and the link with business objectives

Objective Setting and Appraisal Administrative assistant

Demonstrate that you understand:

• An organizations external and internal environmental context and how that affect HR policies and practices

• The importance of acknowledging equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion when designing HR strategies

• The purpose of recruitment and selection and the link with business objectives

• Suitable practice relating to recruitment and selection in specific organizational contexts

• The purpose of performance management, performance appraisal and the link with business objectives

• Suitable organis demonstrate that you understand:

• An organizations external and internal environmental context and how that affect HR policies and practices The purpose of performance management, performance appraisal and the link with business objectives

• The importance of acknowledging equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion when designing HR strategies

• The purpose of recruitment and selection and the link with business objectives

• Suitable practice relating to recruitment and selection in specific organizational contexts

• The purpose of performance management, performance appraisal and the link with business objectives

• Suitable organisational practice relating to performance management

• The skills needed by a HR practitioner to manage the recruitment and selection process as well as the performance management processational practice relating to performance management

• The skills needed by a HR practitioner to manage the recruitment and selection process as well as the performance management process