Sales Toolkit: prepare a comprehensive sales presentation on the Australian brand Spud Bar.

Sales Toolkit

You have been hired as a new marketing graduate for one of the following brands (please choose only one); “SpudBar”
Your new employer is keen to expand internationally and so has asked you to put together an international marketing plan including the following for consideration at the next management meeting.

Prepare a comprehensive sales presentation on the Australian brand Spud Bar.(1000 words)

Report format.

-Executive Summary

“The Australian brand SpudBar is scheduled to enter South Korea by Franchise”

1. Australian Brand Overview (SpudBar)
Summarise the brand you hope to take internationally. Include; a brief history/brand story, products & services sold, unique selling proposition and a concise summary of why Australian consumer’s like it.

2. International market opportunity (South Korea)
Using your research on the country of your choice, create a concise country profile that covers:
a. Overview on whom might be the local target consumer, why they would engage with the brand and what changes might need to be made to fit their needs?
b. Concise overview of how the local category is performing and opportunities/challenges as a result for the brand.
c. It is recommended you also include your cultural and social profile as well as your PESTEL (South Korea) in the appendix

3. Identify organisational and environmental restraints
Look to class content and make use of tools discussed. E.g. physical environment, currency challenges etc.

4. Brand localisation strategy

Think about your marketing strategy across the P’s.
In particular make sure you cover:
a. Pricing strategy
b. Branding, packaging and product/service adjustment strategy (Give examples of how you might adjust the range of products or services offered)
c. Retail/wholesale/online channel strategy
d. Promotional strategy
e. People strategy

5. Logistics, market entry approach and operations plan

Think about the operational considerations of launching overseas and make use of tools and topics discussed in class.
In particular make sure you cover:
a. Sourcing, manufacturing and distribution strategy
b. Export and import strategy
c. Technology and sustainability strategy

It is strongly recommended you use graphs, tables and images wherever possible to reduce word counts.