Development Psychology: select one (1) topic in developmental psychology and write a five (5) page research paper.

Development Psychology

  • Select one (1) topic in developmental psychology and write a five (5) page research paper.
  • This means four (4) pages of writing plus a reference page.
  • Create a brief presentation reviewing the current research on your topic. Please keep the presentation to five minutes (max).

Organization of the paper:

1. Introduction- Importance of the topic.

2. Three Main Themes that emerge from the research- Please include details from the original study and not secondary sources. MUST utilize at least three (3) peer reviewed psychology journal articles. If applicable, compare and contrast research information.

3. Final Paragraph- summarize and synthesize the information presented in your paper.

4. References- Must include a references page referencing all three psychology journal articles in APA style.

• Paper must be written in APA style (no cover page required, no summary page required, 12 font maximum, double spaced).