Case study: who do you think is most likely to have come up with some of the most original ideas, and why?

Case study

Rustin, Caprice and Sullivan have just completed the ‘alternate uses task’ by thinking about alternate uses for a brick. Rustin came up with 20 ideas, across 5 categories. Caprice came up with 16 ideas, across 2 categories. Sullivan came up with 10 ideas, across 3 categories.

  1. Who has the highest fluency score? [1 point]
  2. Who has the highest flexibility score? [1 point]
  3. Who has the highest within-category fluency score? [1 point]
  4. Who do you think is most likely to have come up with some of the most original ideas, and why? [1 point]
  5. Who do you think is the most likely to score the highest on a latent inhibition test, and why?