Mike video: write a 500-word, thoughtful appraisal of your reactions.

Mike video.

Listen to Mike video.
There are 2 thrusts in his piece – the first is about how precious the writing is. You may be struck by how few words can fit into a network news story. If you dissect a story this way, you may be surprised and encouraged by the reality that you don’t have to write and write and write, because there isn’t room! You have to write beautifully – clearly, concisely, and conversationally.
In the second part of his lecture is a lesson to trust yourselves – your senses, your basic 5 senses are what all of us bring to every story.

Write a 500-word, thoughtful appraisal of your reactions.

Prompts for essay:

  • Are you surprised by Mike’s emphasis on brevity?
  • Does being concise now having new meaning for you and your writing? How so?
  • Why does Mike believe the 5 senses are so important in a news story? Do you agree, or is this incidental information?
  • Do you consciously pay attention to your own senses when you’re writing a story, a blog, an audio or video?
  • If not, do you think you being attentive might make some of your stories better?

Write a strong, interesting and compelling lede. Write a lede and story that gets straight  thoughts,assessment of Taibbi’s message, and if it has relevance or implications for your work.