The social contract: explain at least three ways the life experiences of Thomas Aquinas influenced his philosophical ideas and his support for monarchy.

The social contract

1) Explain at least three ways the life experiences of Thomas Aquinas influenced his philosophical ideas and his support for monarchy.
2) What does Machiavelli mean when he says it is better for a leader to be feared instead of loved? Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the text or renaissance Italian politics.
3) What does Machiavelli mean when he says that leaders need to cultivate the virtues of the fox and the lion? Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the text or renaissance Italian politics.
4) Please explain at least three ways the life experiences of Locke influenced their attitude toward government.
5) How does Locke define toleration and explain why is it important for civil society and democratic governments to have it?

(Several paragraphs RESPONSE FOR EACH)