Explain the pupillary light reflex.

As noted by Gringas et all (2015), emotional stimulation has been known to lead to pupil dilation and contraction. For dilation of the pupils to occur during the listening of music, the special senses must work in conjunction with the autonomic nervous system (ANS). In addition, for this study to be physiological fact, the special senses and the ANS must work collectively with the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the central nervous system (CNS).


Read the attached article: The Eye is Listening: Music Induced Arousal and Individual Differences Predict Pupillary Responses Download The Eye is Listening: Music Induced Arousal and Individual Differences Predict Pupillary Responses
During the reading take notes and consider the role of each of the neurological systems and how the neurological systems work collectively. Refer to the content in the Unit Learning Maps to help complete this assignment, this would include the current learning map as well as past learning maps that have covered the different divisions of the nervous system.

After the reading, answer the following questions:

  • Explain the pupillary light reflex.

Include a brief description of the procedure or reflex itself. Include the pathway of stimulation and the specific divisions of the nervous system involved with pupil constriction and pupil dilation.
Include the specific nerves involved as well as the specific muscles involved with pupil constriction and pupil dilation.

  • Explain the auditory pathway.

Include the structures in the ear that are stimulated from the start of the sound entering the ear to the neurological receptors in the inner ear.
Include the neurological pathway from the inner ear to the brain and any other areas sound information is sent to in the central nervous system.
In the article, they discussed changes to the pupil in response to emotion.

  • Identify the areas in the nervous system involved with emotion.
  • Explain how the different nervous systems (ANS, PNS, CNS, special senses) worktogether to influence a pupillary response.
    Besides pupil dilation and pupil constriction, the ANS is responsible for changes in other organ systems.
  • Identify changes that occur in the body due to the sympathetic nervous system and changes that occur in the body due to the parasympathetic nervous system.
    Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets the criteria.