What is the difference between objective and subjective/projective personality testing?what do you see as the benefits to these tests?

 Case Scenario:

Meg has a terrible fear of driving over the bridge. Whenever she tries to go into Melbourne from the beaches, she becomes extremely panicky to the point of hyperventilating and has to turn around and go back. She hates that she cannot drive herself over the bridge because it is making her become dependent on her parents to drive her. She is angry at herself and extremely frustrated at the situation.
2) Watch Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory video and then look over the Ego Defense Mechanisms on page 451 of your text.Give an example of how you or someone you know, uses or has used TWO of the defense mechanisms.
3)The birth order section is interesting. Look at your own family and tell me if you feel that this theory is accurate, give examples.
4) What is the difference between objective and subjective/projective personality testing? What do you see as the benefits to these tests?