Medical school requires a huge commitment in time and energy.How have you prepared for this commitment?discuss

1)Medical school requires a huge commitment in time and energy.How have you prepared for this commitment?

2)Briefly define the following threat actors.

  • Individuals who are “shoulder surfers” Shoulder surfing is the act of observing from behind someone’s back with the intent of collecting personal data such as passwords, keystrokes, or any visible information shown on a screen.
  • Individuals who do not follow policy This form of threat comes from individuals who are aware of security protocols applied to an organization but do not care to follow them in a selfish manner.
  • Individuals using others’ credentials Using others’ credentials is when someone other than the authorized user impersonates them by using their passwords, ID card, and/or pin to access private data.
  • Individuals who tailgate Tailgating is a physical security breach conducted by a malicious individual or group who are unauthorized. They will take advantages of an unaware authorized person by following/staking and bypassing security mechanisms.
  • Individuals who steal assets from company property Anyone who steals digital or physical property without permission; thus calling it a THEFT. Normally this is not done with the best intentions but for malicious reasons.