Explain: whether either of the rights exercised by Annabel and Bridie capable of being easements?

Annabel was the registered freehold proprietor of land comprising a cottage, a large greenhouse, and a field. Before she retired a few years ago, Annabel used the field to grow flowers which she supplied to a local market. She used the greenhouse to grow seedlings over the winter and spring and planted them out in the field later in the year. The main door of the greenhouse opened directly on to the field.
The cottage and greenhouse can only be accessed over a driveway which runs from the main road down the side of the field.

Four years ago, when she retired, Annabel leased the field to Bridie for three years as Bridie was keen to start her own flower business. The lease did not include any rights for either party. Annabel retained ownership of the cottage an awhether the rights have been acquired as easements, either expressly or

  • Explain whether either of the rights exercised by Annabel and Bridie capable of being easements?
  • Explain whether Bridie can enforce her right against Della; and whether Della can enforce her right against Bridie.