Identify and discuss the fixed and variable cost.

Choose an organization with which she/he is familiar, such as the place of employment, business patronized, or other situation and describe how that organization either does or does not apply the course concepts on a day-to-day basis. The following course concepts should be discussed:

  • Critical success factors.
  • Identify and discuss the fixed and variable cost.
  • Calculate the Contribution Margin Income Statement
  • Determine and discuss the most effective costing method for your organization.
  • Using the IRR or NPV method calculate and determine if the capital budget project is viable project cost $2 million, project life 10 years and cost of capital
  • Provide a recommendation for the organization

The written paper is to be: typed double–spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman and 12-point font, a 10-page minimum, with correct spelling and grammar, proper citation, references, with a cover page and organized with headings.