Barriers to Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
- Name three major barriers to effective multicultural counseling and describe some effective counseling methods to overcome these barriers.
“-Read the case study about the Martinez Family on page 216. - What are some possible cultural factors that might be influencing the reactions of the Martinezes?
- How might socioeconomic factors be affecting the father’s response to a request for a meeting?
- What role might being an undocumented immigrant play in Mr. Martinez’s reluctance to use school or public services?
Read chapters 4, 5, and 6 of What Color is Your God? and answer the following questions
- Why do you think that God allowed racial, ethnic, national, and linguistic diversity? 21 Aside from location, why do you think that most churches in the United States are racially/ethnically homogeneous? 311t is human nature to be uncomfortable around the unfamiliar and human nature is a part of our sin nature that we are all born into. Are some of the prejudices that people have towards other ethnic groups just a part of our human psychology, is it learned, or is it both?
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