The Pursuit of Happyness: write an essay on your review of the movie based on the guiding questions below.

“The Pursuit of Happyness” reflection in relation to positive psychology.

Watch the movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness” featuring Will Smith as Chris Gardner. This film can
be viewed on in its full entirety. Reflect on the movie to determine how principles of
positive psychology were depicted in the life of the protagonist (Chris Gardner).

Write an essay on your review of the movie based on the guiding questions below.

1. Outline how issues related to the following were depicted in the movie
a. Pleasure and positive experiences
b. Happiness
c. Positive thinking
d. Character strengths and virtues
2. Which one of the strengths would you say Gardner possess in the film (select at least 3)? Why?
Define each strength. (Ex: creativity, vitality, fairness etc.)
3. Discuss the specific obstacles and struggle or conflict Gardner faces in reaching or maximizing
the strengths selected/noted.
4. How does Gardner illustrate how to overcome obstacles and build and maintain strength?
5. Is the tone/mood of the film inspiring or uplifting? Why or why not?
6. What impact did the film have on you? Were you inspired after watching the film? Why or
why not?
7. What is the role of happiness in this story?
8. What specific tenets of Positive Psychology are evident in the film? Expand on at least 2
9. How would you evaluate the overall wellbeing of the protagonist in the context?
10. To what extent are the issues identified relevant in a real-life situation?
11. Based on the issues identified in question 1, what recommendations would you make about
what could be done differently, to improve the overall wellbeing of the protagonist or someone
in a similar situation?
12. What is the significance of the word “happyness” vs “happiness” in the title of the film?