Analyze and evaluate a business’s financial health and recommend the best financing options for the business to choose in order to improve its current financial health.

Financial Statements and Cash Flow Management

Analyze and evaluate a business’s financial health and recommend the best financing options for the business to choose in order to improve its current financial health. Use the Project Two Business Options List to choose the business that you will examine in Project Two. Then, use Mergent Online to locate the most recent quarterly financial statements for the business: the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement.
In order to succeed in your Project Two assignment, you will need to understand the role of financial statements and how they help businesses determine their current financial health. You will also need to describe why cash flow management is important to a business and that business’s financial health.
Prompt Write a brief journal introducing the business you chose for your Project
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

•Provide a description of the business you chose, including the business name and what it offers consumers.
•Using Mergent Online, provide a copy of the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement for your chosen business from the most recent fiscal quarter.
•Explain why financial statements are important to a business and how they help businesses determine their current financial health.
• Describe why cash flow management is important to a business and its financial health. Use a recent financial news story as an example to support your claims.