Based on Bill Clinton’s NAFTA speech, how was NAFTA supposed to help American workers find more economic prosperity?

Question 1. Reagan often earned praise in the 1980s as “The Great Communicator.” What are two examples of emotionally or intellectually powerful lines in these two Reagan speeches posted on Canvas? What do you think makes these speeches powerful? Explain in 4-6 sentences. Also copy and paste the lines or sentences that you have selected after your answer.

Question 2. Based on Bill Clinton’s NAFTA speech, how was NAFTA supposed to help American workers find more economic prosperity? Explain in 3-5 sentences and weave in some details and short quotations from the Clinton primary source.

Question 3. Review the “warm-up sources” we explored in class back on August 26th (Canvas link). Find two charts or tables in this source packet that help us determine if NAFTA delivered on Bill Clinton’s promises. Has NAFTA, which went into effect in 1994, helped ordinary Americans find greater economic prosperity? Explain in 3-5 sentences and weave in some details from the “warm-up sources” packet.

Question 4. What is Frank’s thesis in “Lie Down America.” What is your reaction to his thesis and supporting evidence? Do you find Frank’s argument convincing, frustrating, confusing, etc? Explain in 4-6 sentences and weave in some details and short quotations from this source.

Question 5. As Brooks notes in his short essay, universities like Harvard used to cater to wealthy white children whose fathers and grandfathers had gone to the same school. In this earlier era, getting accepted to Harvard was not seen as a sign of intellectual greatness; it mainly signified family status. Then, after World War II, Harvard and other prestigious schools tried to find more high-achieving students from less elite backgrounds whose academic “merit” would earn them a coveted admission spot. This shift fueled the rise of “meritocracy.” According to Brooks, why has the meritocracy system created so much discontent in U.S. society? Explain in 4-6 sentences and weave in some details and short quotations from this source.