‘Plant sterols may help lower cholesterol’:critically evaluate scientific evidence regarding that same health claim.

‘Plant sterols may help lower cholesterol’

Length: 600 words ;
In Australia, we spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year in the pursuit of greater health.
One result of this tendency is that we find ourselves bombarded with health claims: claims about how a food or other product can improve one’s health.
As part of the next generation of health care professionals, it is important that you are able to critically evaluate whether or not such health claims are supported by evidence. That is what this unit will help you to do.

i) Critically evaluate scientific evidence regarding that same health claim.
ii) how to communicate your knowledge regarding that health claim to those to whom it is directed.

Written assignment requirements:
Written in clear, concise English (proofread)
Correct terminology must be used accurately and appropriately
Written in sentences and paragraphs. Subheadings are permitted.
Word processed, Arial font, 12pt, 1.5 spaced, font colour black
Harvard referencing or APA 7th style guide applied (note: you need to be consistent
with the referencing style you chose to apply)