Benchmark – Due Process Case Study : discuss why moving LRE placements is not an option at this time due to the standard special education process.

Benchmark – Due Process Case Study

  1. Discuss why moving LRE placements is not an option at this time due to the standard special education process.
  2. Discuss how quality data and the lack of additional support in the classroom both play a factor in this decision.
  3. Cite the “Special Education Professional Ethical Principles.”
  4. Discuss how additional support in the classroom should be considered before a LRE placement is changed.
  5. Discuss the possible involvement of para educators, tutors, volunteers, or related service providers.
  6. If para educators, tutors, or volunteers were brought into the classroom to assist Stephen, what guidance and direction would you provide to those stakeholders?
  7. Discuss the legal, ethical, and quality requirements related to the management of confidential student information when working with para educators, tutors, or volunteers.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.