Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Introduction and Situation Overview portions for your Marketing Plan to address the situation in the case study.

East Central Regional Hospital Marketing Plan

Important note about the team project: You are creating a Marketing Plan for ECRH. There should be absolutely no generic discussion in a Marketing Plan. Every line in these team assignments should relate directly to ECRH. Any generic marketing discussion will lower the team’s grade. Explain your knowledge of marketing through your application of marketing concepts to ECRH, not through general description of the concepts.

Review the Marketing Plan Template and the Case Study as a team.

Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Introduction and Situation Overview portions for your Marketing Plan to address the situation in the case study.

Detailed Instructions

The following is more information about the team assignment. Each section in the Marketing Plan Template will become a section of the final Marketing Plan. The team should read through the ECRH Case Study. You will be creating the Marketing Plan that the CEO wants.

For the Executive Summary section:

In Week 6, the team will complete an Executive Summary for the Plan. This is what top executives read, rather than wade through the detailed Plan itself. For this week, you should write the Introduction, which explains what this is all about, and the Situation Overview. The whole Executive Summary will be one page, so each of the five items in it should be a paragraph or two. The Situation Overview should be a brief version of your work on that section. Hold off on the other three items until we cover those topics.

For the Situation Overview section:

The Big Picture is just like it sounds. Explain the whole picture of inside the organization and outside as a broad overview. Do not go into detail in this section. Give the top company officers an idea of what has happened, and where the organization is now.

The Company Overview is more detail about the company itself. Do not include any of the external factors, such as the competition or the local population. Explain what the company is like now with the relevant details.

The Market Overview is a description of the customers, the potential customers, and the competition. Include any relevant information about these.

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).