pr, propaganda and persuasive communications: idefine the practice of public relations and underscore its importance as a valuable and powerful societal force in the 21st century. in you answer outline and analyse examples of PR use across society today.

pr, propaganda and persuasive communications

  1. Define the practice of public relations and underscore its importance as a valuable and powerful societal force in the 21st century. In you answer outline and analyse examples of PR use across society today.
  2.  Is PR a profession? Summarize the challenges facing the profession and how they may be overcome. Provide a range of appropriate examples to support your answer.
  3.  Discuss how should PR practitioners form relationships with the media. How PR practitioners help journalists do their job and to what extent are the interests of PR opposed to those of the media? Provide a wide range of examples to support your arguments.
  4. Discuss different crisis response strategies. Give a wide range of recent (a) political, (b) commercial and (c) NFP PR crisis situations to support your arguments.
  5. Discuss how the rise of social media influencers, bloggers and celebrity culture are affecting and changing contemporary public relations practice. Provide a wide range of examples from different
    industries to support your answer.

  6. Discuss the essence of public relations ethics. How should organizations be ethical? Use a wide range of examples to illustrate how different organization uses communication campaigns to disseminate and possibly promote their CSR activities