leadership and management of clinical audit or equivalent: critically analyse and explain your leadership role within the context of your chosen leadership approach.

 leadership and management of clinical audit or equivalent

Identify briefly your audit or similar project outlining the structure of the report.
Choose a reflective model and give a brief rationale for selection.
100-200 words
Provide a brief explanation of your leadership approach referred to within the reflection. This project may have been assigned to you or you may have identified it as part of your practice experience.
Be brief describing the audit project (or similar) you are reflecting on – your grade will be derived by your analysis of your leadership rather than description of it.
600 words
Reflective model subheadings
Structure your reflection within your chosen reflective model subheadings.
Critically analyse and explain your leadership role within the context of your chosen leadership approach.

Areas that you may wish to consider including in your reflection:
What leadership approach did you take?
Did you identify a team?
How did you motivate others?
What were they key areas of the process?
How did you lead any change?

Alternatively you may want to consider the different stages of the audit process and the effect of your leadership on this and any changes to your leadership that you made during the process.
Why was it carried out
What were the aims of the audit
What actions were taken as a result
Relevance to practice area
3500 words
Draw together your main points and outline your learning from undertaking the reflection.
500-700 words