Write a 2-3-page essay of a rhetorical analysis on a speech, play, TV commercial, advertisement, or other pop culture artifact of your choice.

Write a 2-3-page essay of a rhetorical analysis on a speech, play, TV commercial, advertisement, or other pop culture artifact of your choice. Choose your artifact and analyze its rhetorical appeals. The purpose of this paper is to craft an argument about how rhetoric functions in the text you have chosen. To do this, you will explore the logos, ethos, and pathos of the text. In order to analyze the text, first you need to indicate who the intended audience is for the text. After you do that, you will analyze the ethos (ethical appeal), logos (appeal to logic), and pathos (appeal to emotion).

Your essay will be composed of 5 elements (page 277 of your text).

Introduction- identify the central claim and its significance

Message or text selection- describe the message and why you chose this particular message.

Theoretical framework- here you will talk about logos, ethos, and pathos and the meaning of each. This may help: (Links to an external site.)

Findings or conclusions: Report on the findings or conclusions reached by the application of the theoretical framework. What are the logical, ethical, and emotional appeals of your specific text? How impactful will that be for the audience? This section will be the longest of your paper.

Theory development: How does rh paper expand on rhetorical theory? What conclusions can we draw from examining your artifact?