Prepare a two to three page report that addresses the requirements specified and include your calculations as part of your analysis and fully explain the results

Understanding the Client and Performing Analytical Procedures

Prepare a two to three page report that addresses the requirements specified and include your calculations as part of your analysis and fully explain the results. Also, include a minimum of two current
references to scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
Your report must address all of the following:
1. Address the overall understanding of the retail and wholesale industries and
identified areas that impact financial reporting.
2. Analyze Cloud 9’s financial position and its business risks. Include ratios supporting
the business analysis.
3. Identify areas requiring special emphasis during the audit and potential problem
4. Address materiality in your response.
5. Use at least two current, quality academic or authoritative sources in this
assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality scholarly
and/or authoritative sources. Use the Strayer University. Libra[Y. to conduct your
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information,
please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this :
• Analyze a company’s finance