Cleveland Museum of Art: what is the role of the artists?is the work representational or nonrepresentational? what formal elements are used – line, space, color & light, texture, pattern, design elements.

Critical Thinking Paper Art Appreciation
The critical thinking paper will be an analysis of a work of art of your choice at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Considering Covid-19,  look on their website for an artwork. The entire collection of the museum is online. There is no comparison of looking at an artwork in person, but it might not be realistic for your situation

Cleveland Museum of Art
11150 East Blvd
Cleveland, OH 44106
Due: Week 5, Sunday, July 11 Paper Topic
The paper topic is the artwork & image. You don’t need a thesis topic. For the artwork include artist, title, medium, date if available. This will be submitted in the journal week 5.Due: Week 7, Sunday, July 25 Paper Due The final paper should be submitted in the journal week 7 as an attachment. You can submit the paper as a pdf file or word document. Place the image of the artwork in the body
of the paper. Paper Format: 400-500 words. If citing a source, you can use any method, but make sure it is consistent. No plagiarism.

What is the role of the artists?Is the work representational or nonrepresentational? What formal elements are used – line, space, color & light, texture, pattern, design elements.
Is the work expressive (emotional) or analytical? What color scheme is used? How does this affect the meaning? What medium is used?