Choose two of the main characters (among the “boys”). define Bronfenbrenner’s ecological perspective including all five levels of systems.


This assignment is a combination of demonstration of mastery of content as well as application of content to the characters/circumstances in the film. All written assignments require understanding of theoretical concepts and materials presented in classroom and readings. This paper is an opportunity for you to apply what you have been learning this semester. You are required to view the film “The Boys of Baraka” on your own time prior to session 7; this will be the basis of your midterm paper (we will discuss it in class).

The film is available on Vimeo at the link below: (Links to an external site.)


Choose two (2) of the main characters (among the “boys”).

Define Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Perspective including all five (5) levels of systems, making note of each of the systems as they are expressed in the film. You can speak in generalities (i.e. – the microsystems for the boys include their caregivers), but make sure it is specific to the film.
Select 2 of the 4 main characters in the film.
Through either a multidimensional OR life cycle perspective, discuss how each system interacts with these characters to inform their functioning and development. Compare and/or contrast the differences or similarities between the environmental factors of these two characters.
Include elements of resource and resilience.
Include any value conflicts and personal biases that may have emerged for you in viewing the film.
You may use any and all required readings as well as 4 additional peer-reviewed journal articles.

This is an analysis not a film review. You are expected to apply acquired knowledge to your understanding of the development of the characters you’ve chosen. Although you will focus on two characters, this paper is also about interlocking systems and the probable systemic impact on your character’s development. Do not use online computer sites such as Wikipedia or sites that provide psycho-educational information. Use professional scholarly journals and texts only!

This paper should be presented in a scholarly fashion using APA-7 style citations and references. Make sure to include an Introduction and a Conclusion. You may use headings to organize your paper if it helps. Number your pages. This paper should be 4-5 pages double spaced (NO MORE). Proofread your paper before submission.