Mesoamerican Art: identify at least two distinctive trends and materials in art production for each of the following cultures: Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec.

Mesoamerican Art

Read the article and answer the following questions

1. Identify at least two distinctive trends and materials in art production for each of the following cultures: Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec.
2. In at least six sentences, describe the importance of Teotihuacan as a religious, commercial, and art historical center.
3. Identify at least three features of Mayan art from the Classic Period.
4. What were Mixtec codices used for? What was their basic format?
5. Define logographic.
6. Above is an example of naming and scene conventions in Mixtec codices. Create you own scene using similar naming, placement, and style conventions. Your scene must illustrate what a day in your life looks like. Make sure you come up with a unique name for yourself!