Unit Handbook: Strategic Management: evaluate change management issues when organisations implement new strategies.

Unit Handbook: Strategic Management
2) Critically apply diagnostic, practical and creative skills to analyse and evaluate a range of
business solutions in differing business contexts and using strategic theories and
3) Analyse the relationship between strategic choices / remedies and the critical application
of appropriate academic theories and frameworks, including an appreciation of emerging
4) valuate change management issues when Critically evaluate change management issues when organisations implement new
strategies. im
plement new
3. The Task and Marking Criteria
Carry out a strategic analysis for one of the following companies only!: The choice of
company will be as for the original submission or original company choice if you are
submitting for the first time. If you are resubmitting failed piece of assessment,
please ensure you have thoroughly read all previous feedback and updated to include
latest information on current situation
Greggs PLC
Spotify Technology S.A.
AFC Bournemouth Ltd
Marks and Spencer Group PLC
Revolut Ltd
eDreams ODIGEO
Zoom Video Communications Inc
Boohoo Group PLC
Indicative Report Layout
Cover Page (Optional)
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
A brief introduction of the task and themes you are discussing
Strategic Analysis Analysis and evaluation of relevant external and internal
Strategic Selection a critical discussion around the strategic position and
choices of the company
Clear recommendations of strategic choice.
Framework for, and/or change management implications of, strategy
choice Implementation
Reference list
Supporting Appendices
The strategic analysis should incorporate examination of both the external and internal
environments of the organisation, using appropriate theoretical models of your choice. A
summary of the company’s current position and recommendations for strategic choices
should be made on the basis of the analysis conducted. Finally, consideration should be
given to actions and implications of those recommendations.