Examine the internationalisation of business operations in relation to the theories of international business, and explain the need/benefit for internationalisation to the country/region you are proposing.

International Business Theory and Strategy

Saic Motor is planning to expand its footprint in a mexico.

Critically evaluate the activities of this multinational company using appropriate international business theories.

Examine the internationalisation of  business operations in relation to the theories of international business, and explain the need/benefit for internationalisation to the country/region you are proposing.


Maximum word limit of 2,000 words
An up–to–date information on the chosen organisation
A clear identification of the main ideas and issues involved
The development of those ideas and associated arguments
The discussion of the theories of economic globalisation in the context of the operations of the chosen company
Clearly defined introduction and conclusion
Logically structured and concisely written text
Use of relevant and up-to-date information on the chosen company
Correctly and appropriately referenced
Evidence of wider reading
Word processed using 1.5 line spacing. Font 12 Times New Roman.                                                      Report Preparation

The report should include following key sections:
Give a brief introduction stating the aim of the report
Give a brief background discussion of your chosen company
(Introduction and background should comprise of approx. 250 words)
Analyse the pattern of internationalisation activities of your chosen company using relevant International Business theories (approx. 2000 words). This includes addressing “why”, “what”, “where” and “how” questions:
Why – why did the firm internationalise?
What – what part of business was internationalised?
Where – country/region of choice and why
How – mode of internationalisation (FDI and non–FDI modes)
Not all the theories studied may prove to be relevant to the analysis of one particular company (remember, more is NOT always better!)– therefore, you may dismiss some theories during your preparation for the assignment.
This will be followed by the new internationalisation initiative you are proposing (approx. 150-200 words).
Suggested Structure:

Title page – CW1, module title, tutor name, student ID number

Introduction – outline the overall aim of the report and brief background to the company

Critical evaluation with application of IB theories – outline international activities of the company and critically evaluate these activities using appropriate international business theories (not all theories you have covered in the module will be relevant to your chosen company)

New internationalisation initiative proposed

Conclusion – summarise the key arguments from your report. Have you addressed your initial aim?

References Section – use Harvard referencing style