Schefer effective leadership policy: discuss two of the Barriers within the profession as explained by Schafer. 

Schefer Effective leadership policy

For week six you have several readings, all of which have a focus on leadership.  Based on these readings and other research that may supplement these readings (not replace them), create an essay which responds and answers the below questions  Your response(s) should be in your own words.  This means that you need to paraphrase, interpret, analyze, etc.
Use each question as it’s own header, and respond under the questions in an APA essay.
Discuss two of the Barriers within the profession as explained by Schafer. 
Several leadership behaviors are discussed by Yukl.  Select two of those behaviors that you feel is the most important, or near the top of the list.  Discuss that behavior and explain your rationale for selecting it.
In the reading by Malos eight leadership theories are presented.  Select two theories that you believe has little validity or legitimacy.  Briefly discuss that theory and then explain why you made your selection.

Incorporating references into your analysis is key to demonstrating what you are learning in the course and how it helped shaped your analysis in the essay process.
Format Requirements
Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1” margins all around.
All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page).
You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information.  These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.

The student’s Project 2 is exemplary. Content of the paper exceeds all information required by assignment, demonstrates critical thinking skills, includes sophisticated analysis and uses research support to demonstrate the student’s knowledge gained from the course.

The student goes far beyond the required analysis and critical thinking and offers additional perspectives as it compare’s to the student’s understanding.

Assignment is formatted exactly as required.

The student uses excellent understanding and application of theory and knowledge of sources and shows critical thinking and analysis.

Terminology, tone, and English used reflects terms and language from the field of study.

Organization is relevant to topic, clear and understandable with logical flow that makes the project easier to follow.

No English and grammar usage errors.