Produce a newspaper to highlight a significant contemporary issue in education and about significant thinking, political trends, statistics, any relevant policy and practice.

Produce a newspaper to highlight a significant contemporary issue in education and about significant thinking, political trends, statistics, any relevant policy and practice. It should include at least one written article of 1000 -1500 words written by member. In addition, there will be shorter pieces which might include stories, interviews, puzzles, advertisements, cartoons and relevant images, all of which will provide an informed overview of the topic.


Identification of a significant contemporary issue in education and an informed discussion and presentation of the relevant issues in a newspaper style.
Draw on content from this module which has looked at contemporary issues and policy.
You should choose one of the following topics for the focus of your newspaper:

Report on the current mental health crisis and the role of education in this. Looking at statistics, current policy and statutory requirements in addition to examples of strategies and practices in schools.

Create headlines to draw the reader in.
Write interviews and articles – these will be fictional but based on facts. So, you must read and research relevant information regarding the chosen topic. See BB for links to relevant sites where you will find initial information which you can then follow up.

For example, invent an interview with an Ofsted inspector or the Education Minister or an interview with a Head teacher, pupils or parents- it’s your choice!

Refer to significant ideas and perspectives surrounding the issue. If relevant, you could also draw on wider psychological, historical, philosophical and ideological perspectives from semester one. For example, humanism and behaviourism. How does the issue link to any of these? Are there any key educational thinkers who may be influencing practice or current policy?

Written pieces will be based on fact and what is currently happening regarding the chosen topic.

How will the work be assessed?
A significant part of the work is assessed according to the module learning outcomes. This assignment is designed to assess all the module learning outcomes below.
Identify appropriate sources of critical reading and reflection of selected educational theorists and apply these to education and to teaching, learning and assessment.
Identify key trends and perspectives from past and present educational theories and policy and reflect on how they influence educational practice.
Select and apply appropriate research method, including the use of primary and secondary data, and apply these to a selected topic.
Work collaboratively with peers to develop, design, plan and complete a project.
Ensure that you read around the chosen subject and that the whole project presents a well-supported discussion of the issue. You should draw on key ideas about the chosen topic and present a balanced view of ideas and practice, in order to demonstrate your depth and breadth of understanding. The assignment should reflect key ideas whilst engaging with current debates about the issue – can you offer different viewpoints? For example, a teacher perspective, pupil/student perspective, government views etc.

Refer to appropriate sources of evidence (such as books, journal articles, and policy documents) to support discussion points and arguments. Look on blackboard for relevant articles and links to parliament uk, and other relevant sites for discussion of current issues. Review current articles in TES, Guardian etc for ideas and to help with style and structure.

Support your articles with references to appropriate relevant sources. These might be chapters in relevant text books, journal articles, policy documents from the government, or research reports from relevant organisations including charities, for example, Young Minds and MISP for mental health and mindfulness.