Demonstrate detailed and critical understanding of the theory and policy of corporate rescue.

Legal Aspects of Corporate Rescue (LWMLCR)

‘The rescue system in its extant state gives fair and due consideration to the interests of stakeholders affected by the failure of a distressed entity.’ Critically examine this opinion, explaining the extent to which you agree or disagree.

  1. Demonstrate detailed and critical understanding of the theory and policy of corporate rescue.
  2. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the topical issues in the sphere of corporate rescue.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to proffer solutions to the challenges that arise in the development of effective rescue systems.
  4. Demonstrate an ability to apply their understanding to jurisdictions of choice.

Originality / plagiarism – you have the opportunity to check drafts:
Your online submission – into the Turnitin system – generates an originality report for the examiners highlighting any passages apparently copied or unoriginal.
You have the opportunity to check a draft of your essay in Turnitin to help you avoid plagiarism: you are strongly encouraged to do this, leaving yourself enough time to make any necessary revisions before final submission. (The system can sometimes take a day to generate a report.) You do this in the Blackboard module site, through the “Assignments and Turnitin” tab, using the “DRAFT essay” assignment. This will open one month before the submission deadline (and remains open after the deadline for students with extensions). You can check several drafts. Guidance on interpreting Turnitin results is in the Programme Handbook: you are advised to read this before looking at the report on your essay. Reading the Turnitin report and revising your draft essay is your responsibility; staff cannot be asked to read the report or advise on it.
Further guidance on plagiarism, and how to avoid it, can be found in your Programme Handbook and in the Law School’s Legal Skills: a Guide.

Percentage of module mark:
The mark awarded for the assessed work will be out of 100. The percentage of the final module mark derived from this assessed work can be found in the Module Description.