Pandemic Paradigms: discuss the three major sociological theories as related to pandemics, and more specifically the Covid-19/Corona Virus

Pandemic Paradigms

For this project you will be applying and discussing the three major sociological theories as related to pandemics, and more specifically the Covid-19/Corona Virus. As you will see, the three major sociological paradigms offer much to understanding different aspects of any “natural disaster”. Identifying and using these three major sociological theories :structural functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism, we are able to view the world and society more critically and analytically. For example, structural functionalism helps us understand how societies are created and maintained and those in power remain in power and maintain the status quo. In opposition is conflict theory, which helps us understand the role competition and conflict play in societies to create social change. Both of these theories focus on the larger, macro aspects of society. Symbolic interactionism on the other hand, takes a smaller, micro approach and narrows the sociological lens so that we can look closely at smaller groups and the individual in relation to and within the context of society as a whole. In doing so we begin to understand more clearly the role society plays in defining who we are, how we interact within our society and culture and the rich relationship the self has in relation to the social, to society and the social environment.

Discuss the three major sociological theories as related to pandemics, and more specifically the Covid-19/Corona Virus.