Explain the variability of quasi contract recovery among the states .using FindLaw.com, http://www.law.cornell.edu/opinions.html#state

Sometimes, common law varies slightly from state to state. Find out whether the common law, as to when a person can recover using quasi contract, varies among the states in your region.

Using FindLaw.com, http://www.law.cornell.edu/opinions.html#state , or the search engine of your choice, locate one case in your current state and one case in three additional states in your region (for a total of four cases), where the court either granted or denied recovery, based on quasi-contract.

Then, respond to the following items:

Summarize your findings regarding the case in the four states that you have chosen.
Explain the variability of quasi-contract recovery among those states.
Sources must be cited in APA format and the assignment should not exceed one page in length using 12 point font and one inch margins.