VIN 101

Class: MA1-2020
Date: JUNE 04, 2021.
1. Name the three different levels of quality wines in France and what is the meaning “Appellation d’Origine Protegee” (AOP former AOC).
• Appellation d’Origine Contrólée (A.O.C) former appellation d’origine Protegee (A.O.P): is use for indicates the geographical origin, quality and (generally) the style of a wine. It is also used to classifying the type of soil, terroir, type of grape, etc.
• Former Vin de Pays (I.G.C)
• Vin de table
2. A customer would like to order a wine for aperitif before his meal with his friend. From this point, describe all the sequences with your speech and actions until the service of the wine.
• I will start “good evening, sir. How are you today? I’m Hannah and I’ll be your server today. Our signature today are […]
• After recommending the suitable wine to the customer, I will ready to start serving wine. With the glasses they don’t need, I will remove them from the table and explain why?
• If a guest requests white wine, I will place the wine in an ice bucket covered with a clean towel to the right of the person ordering the wine.
• I will take the bottle of wine from the ice bucket with a clean towel placed on the bottom of the bottle for the guest to check. I will present the name of the wine, grape variety, year and country of origin. “this is your wine sir, [ name, type of grape, vintage and country]” when the customers confirm, I will open the lid.
• Opening a bottle starts with opening the foil with a cutter. then, clean the bottle cap, insert the screw into the cap and rotate it straight down, avoiding the broken cork.
• Then pour some wine for the orderer to try and serve it to the lady first.
3. A customer would like to order a red wine from Bordeaux and he like them smooth and supple. Describe like you are talking to your customer, which wine can you recommend and why?
• I will start “good evening, sir. How are you today? I’m Hannah and I’ll be your server today. Our signature today are […] what kinds of wine would you like to drink, sir?
• [A bottle of red wine from Bordeaux which is smooth and supple]
• [I would like to recommend you Château la Claymore, please wait for a minus, I’ll come back with your drink].
• [ here is your wine, sir. This is Château la Claymore in 2015. Produced in Lussac Saint – Emilion- France. And grape variety is Merlot and Cabernet franc. “Château La Claymore has pronounced bramble fruit aromas and subtle cocoa, and licorice character to accompany the sweet spice and toast from the oak aging. A well-structured wine with a velvet, texture, moderate tannins, and a supple finish”]
 I chose Château la Claymore because it was produced in the right bank of Bordeaux. Lussac-Saint-Émilion, one of the best places to produce good value Merlot-led wines. The soils in there mostly clay, limestone and gravel so the grape varieties will be very fruity and fresh. Therefore it will have a smooth and supple wine.
4. Explain what makes Champagne different from other sparkling wines?

Champagne sparkling
Method • Méthode Champenoise
• Méthode traditionnelle
• Corbonation method
• Charmat method
Type of grape
• Pinot Noir
• Chardonnay
• Pinot Meunier
• Arbane
• Petit Meslier
• Pinot Blanc Vrai
• Pinot Gris
• same grapes as Champagne or a different blend
Appalation • made from a specific
delimited area in France

• many regions around the world

• Côte de […]

• Normal
Taste • Nutty and toasty

• Variety, based on how it’s produced.

5/ Looking and using all useful information available on the following labels explain everything about the wine and the service?
• Bouchard Père & Fils: is the name of the producer.
• The Premier Cru: our wine classification based on palatability. premier cru wine is one level behind grand cru. it turns out that this wine is legally produced in burgundy.
• Meursault Genevrìeres: Name of the wine
• Appellation Meursault Premier Cru Contrólée: is the name of the village present to the highest quality level of French wine.
• Domaine: confirm there product.
• Château the Beaune, Côte D’ or, France: the region where product Burgundy wine.
 Serving: The best temperature to serve this wine is between 12 and 14 degrees Celsius. It pairs well with: Lobster, crayfish, poultry or veal in cream sauce, foie gras and blue cheese.
6. Explain in details the different steps of wine tasting and the different criteria to describe a wine?
• Looking: First, look straight at the bottom of the glass, place the wine glass under the light and look at the edge of the colored bands. We will see the density of the wine, from which we can identify some wines from its characteristic color.
• Swirl: We place the wine glass on a flat surface and swirl freely. At that time, the wine will form foot tracks that stick to the glass. The larger the legs, the higher the glycerol content will be denser, the drink will be more palatable and delicious.
• Smell: shake the wine glass gently, sniff quickly, breathe short. Let the information transmission to the brain, then we will smell the scent of fruits, herbs, wooden barrels mixed with the aroma of grapes.
• Sip: Try a small sip of wine just enough for them to slip through the teeth, we can confirm the fruit flavors that we predicted at the sniff.
• Spit: you can do it or not (just my opinion)
• Summary: You should record your impressions of the color, aroma, taste of the wine and your evaluation of it.

—– The end—–
Thanks you for reading and hope all the best with you !!