Describe the different functional strategies of the iRobot company.

Describe the core competency and the outsourcing strategy of iRobot.

Strategic Management (MGT 401)

Assignment Question(s):

Draw the SWOT matrix of the iRobot company.

What is the competitive strategy used by iRobot company?

Use the five forces of the M. Porter matrix to describe the robot-based product industry.

Describe the different functional strategies of the iRobot company.

Describe the relationship of iRobot with its primary stakeholders.


Describe the core competency and the outsourcing strategy of iRobot.

What kind of strategic alliance is used by iRobot? Why does iRobot choose it?

What are the main challenges that iRobot faces?

Assess the competitive advantage of iRobot in its market.

Recommend solutions for iRobot to improve its competitive advantage.


From real national/international market, select any type of strategic alliance between two firms and answer the following questions: (1 mark each question)

Briefly introduce your chosen firms, partners of the strategic alliance (industry, nationality, size, market position…). Max 150 words

What is the type of strategic alliance used by your chosen firms? Explain its different reasons.

What is the method used by the firms to manage their cultures after the alliance? underline the pros and cons of this method.

Is this strategic alliance successful? Justify.

What recommendations can you provide to the managers of these firms to improve their competitiveness?