What are some of the key success factors related to location decision?

Based on the forecast, will the production/service level increase or decrease in the future? Why

Operation Management Research

• Names :
• Name of company: Example: Saudi Airline

Company Name
• Introduction
• Location
• Production
• Main competitors

• What is forecasting?
• Why forecasting is important.
• The company in which life cycle (Introduction, Growth, maturity, Decline)
• What is the strategy/issue related to this cycle?
• What are the factors that affect the forecast/demand, explain how? (PESTEL)
• Based on the forecast, will the production/service level increase or decrease in the future? Why?

Aggregate Planning
• What is the objective of aggregate planning!
• What are the aggregate planning options that can be applied to the sector? What are the advantages and disadvantages and if there any comments

Inventory management
• What is the objective of inventory management!
• Inventory Analysis: Classify the type of inventory in your company (ABC ANALYSIS)

Operation & productivity
• What is operation management
• Why operation management!
• What is the strategic decision related to operation management! Explain it.
• How can you improve the productivity in your sector/company?

Operations Strategy in a Global Environment

Why the company need to globalize.
• Which factor should the company consider before globalizing?
• What are the competitive advantages in your industry/company?
• Develop SWAA Analysis
• Can the company outsource some of its activities to internal to external suppliers
• What are the Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing

Location Strategies
• What is the objective of location strategy?
• What are some of the key success factors related to location decision?
• What are the factors That Affect Location Decisions

Supply-Chain Management
• What is the objective of supply chain management?
• How Corporate Strategy Impacts Supply Chain Decisions
• What are supply chain risk and related mitigation tactics