Select the alternative that you think best fits the problem and objectives and explain why.

Decision Making Final Case

Case – Final

1. Read the case that is provided in CONTENT.
2. Provide your analysis of the case using the decision making process. See below for specific instructions.

Topics to Cover and Instructions:

– Summary of Issue in the Case
o Be sure to describe the main points in the case that lead to the issue you define as the problem.

– Problem
o this is the issue to solve in the case. Explain why this is the problem issue (be sure it is not a symptom)

– Objectives
o See Chapter 3 in Smart Choices and the handout in CONTENT.

– Alternatives
o Select at least 2 alternatives. Explain why they are viable/good alternatives.

– Consequences for Alternatives

o Provide discussion (using a table would be a good approach; like the table on p. 65 – or in the handout from Smart Choices in CONTENT) that shows the assessment of the objectives for each alternative

– Decision Alternative

o Select the alternative that you think best fits the problem and objectives and explain why.