What are some obstacles to making your project a reality, and how would you overcome those obstacles?

Why should your project idea receive funding Consider

Biology Project – Removal of Methane gas using coal packing

A video recording of your presentation (100 pts). You can use Kaltura, Zoom, PowerPoint audio recording feature, or any video ( only voice )( no video) recording method that allows you to show your presentation slides.

Specific background information related to your final project idea. a. Do not simply reiterate the entire lecture! b. Cleary state the ecological application of your idea.

An explanation of your project idea. Specifically:

a. How does your project work/what is the intended impact?

b. How did you expand on your previous project idea? Expansion ideas include:

Providing more detail on how your idea works.

A way to test your idea to make sure that it works (e.g., set up an experiment).

iii. Connecting with the general public/other stakeholders (any person who has an interest, or “stake”, in a project or policy idea) to promote your idea.

Why should your project idea receive funding? Consider:

a. Why is your project idea needed?

b. What are some obstacles to making your project a reality, and how would you overcome those obstacles?

Project Requirements:

Presentations must be between 6-8 minutes long. Be sure to stay within this timeframe

a. If you are above or below this

b. Note: If you are speaking exceedingly fast or slow, have long pauses, or are otherwise trying to artificially alter your time,

Show your presentation slides.

a. Part of your grade involves the aesthetics of your slides, so make them look good.

b. Presentation slides should not be black text on a white background or vice versa.

Include a diagram showing your idea within your presentation. This can be a collection of images from the Internet, or your own original illustration.

Include your sources on a separate slide towards the end of your presentation, in APA 7th Ed format. In-text citations are not required.

a. If you use images from the internet, you need to cite these, as well.

b. Use this website to help you: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html 5. Check rubric for a specific breakdown of the points.